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Révolution péripherique bande originale (2010)

12-inch vinyl disc
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. 12in vinyl record.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. Photo by KUNSTDOK / Tor S. Ulstein.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. 12in vinyl record.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. Photo by KUNSTDOK / Tor S. Ulstein.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. 12in vinyl record.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. Photo by KUNSTDOK / Tor S. Ulstein.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. 12in vinyl record.
Révolution péripherique bande originale, 2010. Photo by KUNSTDOK / Tor S. Ulstein.

Custom-made 180 g 12” vinyl disc comprised of unattended concentric grooves provides the "soundtrack" for the Révolution péripherique installation. The turntable needle remains trapped in one of the groves similarly to the endlessly looping journey on the beltway. The crackling sound of the disc increases with time as dust from the room continues to settle in the grooves.

The production of Révolution péripherique bande originale is supported by Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard foundation and Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond.
